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SNOMED CT and eCP Binding and Data Navigation
Thursday, May 16, 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CST
Category: Events

Recent developments within SNOMED CT, a standard for electronic exchange of clinical health information, allowed the creation of content specific to cancer protocols internationally, aligning with CAP- and ICCR-published protocols. 

In this webinar, an industry expert will describe the development of the SNOMED CT concepts for use in synoptic reporting. With this knowledge, attendees will see how these concepts are used to query synoptic data for use in research, clinical care, and quality improvement activities. Additional discussion will address data storage and retrieval considerations utilizing SNOMED CT.


Learning objectives:

  • How to use SNOMED CT with CAP eCP data
  • Gain insight and knowledge about SNOMED CT and its use with pathology data
  • Understand how to access and use SNOMED CT-encoded pathology cancer data

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